活动规则 英文版

July 19, 2019小猩

How To Share

1. Share invite links to friends

2. Friends accept the invites, downloads APEUni app and confirms the account

3. You and your friend both get 1 to 12 hours of VIP

Inviter Rules

1. An inviter will be rewarded the same amount of VIP hours as each receiver when no more than 25 people are invited.

2. After more than 25 people are invited, an inviter will be rewarded 1 hour of VIP each time a user accepts the invite.

Receiver Rules

1. A new user will receive 12 hours of VIP when accepting the first invite.

2. A receiver can accept invites from many users, and with each invite, the receiver will randomly receive 1 to 6 hours of VIP.

3. A receiver can accept invites from the same user only once.

4. A receiver will reach the acceptance limit after accepting more than 15 invites or having participated this event for more than 3 days.

VIP Reward Time

1. A receiver will be rewarded the VIP hours immediately after accepting the invite.

2. An inviter will be rewarded the VIP hours only after the receiver downloads the app and confirms the account.