Excellent Answers

September 28, 2021APEUni

What are excellent answers?

Excellent answers are answers that are selected by APEUni's teaching and research team, and they are confirmed to be able to score 79 and above in the actual PTE exams.

You may use these answers as references to learn how you should perform in these questions.

How to make use of excellent answers?

1. Refer to the scores of excellent answers to set a reasonable practice target score.

The difficulties of different questions may vary, hence the easiness to get high scores. You may find it hard to get high scores in some difficult questions, but easier in the others. Therefore, it's not necessary to aim for a high score in each and every question. You can refer to the scores of the excellent answers and adjust your practice target score accordingly.

2.Refer to the excellent answers to understand how the 79+ scorers are performing in these questions

Why I don't get a high score when I'm speaking exactly like the excellent answers?

1. The audio recording quality of your microphone and the environment noise will affect the accuracy of AI scores. If you play back an excellent answer and you cannot get a similar score in your APP or computer, it means that the recording quality of your device is not good enough.

2. It's recommended to use a headset with inline microphone to practice in a quiet environment to ensure better recording quality and an accurate score.